International Visit to AIT Bangkok

One Day Conference on Drones in Agriculture

Certificate course on Soil Management for Climate Smart Agriculture

Certificate course on Google Earth Engine with Python for Climate Smart Agriculture

Onion Crop Production Technology and Precision Water Management at Buchkewadi

Visit to Buchkewadi village on 05 Dec, 2020

Webinar on "Bioenergy, a Climate Smart Renewable Energy: Present Status and Future Prospects" on 30 June 2020

One week Online Training on Soil and Water Conservation Interventions for Climate Smart Watershed

Impact of climate change on Cotton production

One Day Webinar on Locusts.Myths and Reality

e-interaction and panel discussion on Secondary Agriculture in India

Two weeks online training on Adavances in Smart Food processing Technologies

शेतकरी उत्पादक कंपनीच्या माध्यमातून शाश्वत विकास

Honey Bee Day celebration and Expert lecture

Meeting, Group Discussion, Scientific and Technical visit at Baburdi village, Dist Ahmednagar

Visit of Farmers to MPKV,Rahuri

Visit of Environment and Safeguard representatives from NAHEP

Inauguration of Automatic Weather station and IoT based soil moisture irritation system at Buchkewadi, Tal: Junner, Pune in presence of officials from NABARD, Lupin Foundation, Einnovation Pvt. ltd an

Visit to ClimateSmart Village Buchkewadi Dist Pune

Workshop on Precision water management

One Day Workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture

Isro- Indian workshop on Israeli technologies for Indian agriculture at Coimbtore

Visit of World bank and ICAR NAHEP representative

Training and Workshop on “Water Budgeting for Efficient Water Resources Management in Watersheds"

An expert lecture entitled “Seriousness of Hazardous Waste and its Disposal" October, 11, 2019

Retrospection event of MPKV,Rahuri

Lectures on Socio Econimic aspects for Climate Smart Agriculture at Rahuri

Exhibition in Indian Science Congress at UAS Bangalore

International Scientist-Students Interface on Drones Robotics AI& FM at Rahuri

International workshop on Course Curricula Development for Post Graduate Diploma in CSA

International Scientist-Students Interface on Drones Robotics AI and FM at Pune

Farmers Scientists Interface cum Workshop

International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence Based Future Technologies in Agriculture

One Day training programme Communication Skills & Personality Development

Training Program On Carbon And Water Foot Printing For Climate Smart Agriculture

National Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction

Workshop on Environmental and Social Standard on November 26, 2019 at CIFE, Mumbai. Dr. J. S. Pachpute, Nodal Officer, Social Safeguard and EAP, presented progress of EAP and GRM of CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV

Training programme on Beekeeping for Climate Smart Agriculture and Sustainability

See off function for the students and faculties departing for internatinal training at AIT, Bankok

Meeting with experts in drought monitoring and management.

Meeting with Delegation of Uzbekistan

Kisaan Adhaar Sammelan (किसान आधार संमेलन २०१९)

Visit of Delegates from Namangan Institute of Engg. & Tech. Uzbekistan at CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV,Rahuri

Visit of Delegates from Uzbekistan at CAAST-CSAWM, CoA Pune

Expert Lecture on Water Resources Management : Sharing an Experiences of Bhramhaputra and Meghna River basin

Expert Lecture on "Seriousness of Hazardous waste and its disposal" by Rakesh Mishra

Expert Lecture on Village Level Contingency Crop Plan

Integrated farming system for climate smart agriculture and water management

Visit to Climate Smart Village Chichvihire,Kangar,Chandakpur

Pre-Training on Basics of Drones, AI and Geo-informatics for CSA & WM (for International Training)

Visit of Former Agriculture Minister,Hon.Sharad Pawar to CAAST-CSAWM center

Two days training programme on Climate Resilient Agriculture and Smart Village Approach at CoA,Pune

Three Days Training on Data Loggers and Sensors for CSA & WM

Five Days Training program on Climate Resilient Agriculture and Smart Technologies

Two days training on Precision Irrigation Water Management at CoA,Pune

One Day Training on IoT applications and advanced technologies for CSA and Water Management

Meeting for Finalisation of Crop Contingency Plan for Akole Block at MPKV Rahuri

Review Meeting at ICAR- NAHEP,New Delhi

Three Days Training on Applications of Advanced Python Computations in Climate Smart Agriculture

Two Days Training Program on Precision Irrigation Management

Strategizing Education and Innovations in Robotics, Drones and IoTs for Climate Smart Agriculture

Climate Smart Village - 1.Buchkewadi

One Week Workshop on Protected Cultivation Technology from 15 to 19 July 2019

Two days Workshop on Soil Health and Land use planning

Three Days Training on Applications on Precision Farm Machineries

Three Days Training Program on Linux Programming

Abiotic Stress Field Activity

Crop Contingency Planning at Shenit Village in Akole Taluka

Two days Training Program on Python Programming in Climate Smart Agriculture

PoCRA meeting Parbhani

National Workshop on Academic Excellence through Building Partnership and Resources generation

NABARD Sponsored Stakeholder Workshop on Agro climatic networking

Guest Lecture on Application of Micro-Irrigation Technology in Crop Water Management

Capacity Building of Students Guest Lecture on Management of Export Oriented Protected Cultivation

One Day workshop on Drone Technology in Agriculture

SKYPE Meeting

Inception Workshop

Short Project Meeting